#5 Hank Azaria

The Simpsons wouldn't be The Simpsons without Hank Azaria. Lending his voice to almost every Springfield resident who's last name isn't Simpson, Hank Azaria has given us some of the greatest cartoon characters of the past two decades! With characters like Moe the bartender, Apu, Chief Wiggum, Snake, Comic Book Guy, Professor Frink and dozens and dozens of others chances are you have tried to imitate one of his characters to show off for your buddies. Worst. Top Ten List. Ever.
#4 John DiMaggio

You may not know his name but you have dang sure heard his voice. A hero to frat boys and stoners alike, John DiMaggio has lent his voice to video games like Gears of War, movies like Transformers and television series, most notably Bender from Futurama and Jake from Adventure Time.
#3 Mel Blanc

Without Mel Blanc the rest of this list may not even exist. Voicing several of the most legendary characters of all time Mel Blanc brought to life Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky Pig, Barney Rubble and so many others there are to many to count! Mel Blanc and Legend should always be in the same sentence.
#2 Rob Paulsen

If you don't know who Rob Paulsen is let me just say two names, Yakko and Pinky. My childhood molded and sculpted over the characters Rob has brought to life. He got his break as Raphael on the 80's Ninja Turtle cartoon and hasn't stopped since. With his iconic turn as Yakko on the Animainiacs and Pinky from Pinky and The Brain and lending his voice again to a ninja turtle as Donatello in the newest incarnation Rob shows no signs of ever sloeeing down.
#1 Kevin Conroy

If you know me this shouldn't come as any surprise. Kevin Conroy is the voice of Batman and will be forever in my opinion. Since he first took the role of Batman in the 1992 Batman Animated Series Kevin has voiced the Dark Knight in a variety of mediums from movies to video games to nearly every DC superhero cartoon. He is the night, HE IS BATMAN!
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