World War G is a podcast about all things geeky and nerdy. Head to every Sunday for new episodes! We're your second choice.
Monday, March 31, 2014
World War G Episode 12: Hermione gets it on in the woods!
Join Troy and AJ this week as they discuss, the TMNT teaser trailer, Noah the least biblical biblical epic of all time, Need for Speed the movie and the game, more Star Wars cast rumors, yousa is a racist! The Incredibles 2; What's the Under Minor been up to? The HeeBeeGeeBee's beat down Deadpool vs Lobo!
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Troy's Top 100 Movies. #54 The Watchmen
#54 The Watchmen
Adapted from one of the greatest graphic novels of all time, The Watchmen tells the story of an alternate 1985 where Richard Nixon has been elected to a third term and the country is on the brink of total nuclear war. In the middle are The Watchmen, a group of costumed vigilantes that have been on the fringe of societies fears. The story starts out with the death of The Comedian and the detective vigilante Rorschach investigating his murder, which leads him to a bigger conspiracy that someone is killing former costumed heroes. Weaving through an intricate web of stories that link together the plot, The Watchmen is a masterful film that showcases Zak Snyder's genius directing.
Adapted from one of the greatest graphic novels of all time, The Watchmen tells the story of an alternate 1985 where Richard Nixon has been elected to a third term and the country is on the brink of total nuclear war. In the middle are The Watchmen, a group of costumed vigilantes that have been on the fringe of societies fears. The story starts out with the death of The Comedian and the detective vigilante Rorschach investigating his murder, which leads him to a bigger conspiracy that someone is killing former costumed heroes. Weaving through an intricate web of stories that link together the plot, The Watchmen is a masterful film that showcases Zak Snyder's genius directing.
Updated March Movie Madness list
300 |
10 Things I hate About You |
127 Hours |
3:10 to Yuma |
A Goofy Movie |
A Goofy Movie |
A Knight's Tale |
A Knight's Tale |
A Knight's Tale |
A Very Long Engagement |
Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein |
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective |
Across the Universe |
Adam's Apple |
Airplane |
Airplane |
Airplane |
Aladdin |
Aladdin |
Aliens |
Aliens |
Ameile |
American Beauty |
American Beauty |
Annie |
Armageddon |
Army if Darkness |
Avatar |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future 3 |
Balls of Fury |
Batman (89) |
Batman (89) |
Batman Under the Red Hood |
Beetlejuice |
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey |
Billy Madison |
Billy Madison |
Billy Madison |
Bio Dome |
Blade |
Blade |
Blade Runner |
Blade Runner |
blazing saddles |
Bloodsport |
Blues Brothers |
Bogus |
Book of Eli |
Boondock Saints |
Boondock Saints |
Brave |
Brave |
Braveheart |
Captain Phillips |
Casablanca |
Casino |
Catching Fire |
Christmas Vacation |
Christmas Vacation |
Citizen Kane |
City Slickers |
Cloud Atlas |
Cloud Atlas |
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs |
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs |
Coneheads |
Crash |
Crash |
Dan In Real Life |
Dan In Real Life |
Delicatessen |
Devil's Carnival |
Dick Tracy |
Dick Tracy |
Die Hard |
Die Hard With A Vengeance |
Dirty Dancing |
dirty harry |
Dredd |
dredd |
Drive |
Drop Dead Fred |
Drop Dead Fred |
Drop Dead Fred |
Drop Dead Fred |
Edward Scissor Hands |
Edward Scissor Hands |
Edward Scissor Hands |
Elf |
Emporor's New Groove |
Emporor's New Groove |
Emporor's New Groove |
Enchanted |
Enemy At the Gates |
Epic |
Excalibur |
Face Off |
fantastic four |
Ferris Beuller's Day Off |
Ferris Beuller's Day Off |
Ferris Beuller's Day Off |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Footloose |
Footloose |
Forrest Gump |
Forrest Gump |
Forrest Gump |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Galaxy Quest |
Galaxy Quest |
Galaxy Quest |
Galaxy Quest |
Galaxy Quest |
Ghost and the Darkness |
Ghostbusters |
Ghostbusters |
Ghostbusters 2 |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gone In 60 Seconds |
Goodfellas |
Goodfellas |
Goonies |
Groundhog Day |
Groundhog Day |
Hackers |
Hannibal |
Happy Gilmore |
Happy Gilmore |
Harry Potter 1 |
Harry Potter 2 |
Harry Potter 3 |
Harry Potter 3 |
Harry Potter 4 |
Harry Potter 5 |
Harry Potter 5 |
Harry Potter 6 |
Harry Potter 7 |
Harry Potter 8 |
Heat |
Hellboy 2; The Golden Army |
Her |
Hercules |
Hercules |
High Fidelity |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Hope Floats |
Hot Rod |
Hot Shots |
I am Legend |
I am Legend |
Inception |
Inception |
Inception |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Interview With A Vampire |
Interview With A Vampire |
Interview With A Vampire |
Iron Man |
Iron Man |
Iron Man |
It |
It's Kind of a Funny Story |
Jaws |
Judge Dredd (original) |
Jurassic Park |
Jurassic Park |
Just Friends |
Karate Kid |
Kill Bill |
kingpin |
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang |
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang |
Kung Fu Hustle |
Labyrinth |
Labyrinth |
Labyrinth |
Larry Crowne |
Last of the Mohicans |
Last of the Mohicans |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Legends of the Fall |
Lethal Weapon |
Little Miss Sunshine |
Little Rascals |
Logan's Run |
Lord of the rings: Fellowship of the ring |
lord of the rings: return of the king |
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers |
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers |
Mac and Me |
Man of Steel |
Man of Steel |
Man of Steel |
Mars Attacks |
Mask |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Meet Dave |
Miracle |
Mirrormask |
Mission Impossible |
Mission Impossible |
Mom and Dad Save the World |
Monty Python and The Holy Grail |
Monty Python and The Holy Grail |
Moonstruck |
Mr. and Mrs. Smith |
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapom |
National Treasure |
National Treasure |
Needful Things |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Ninja Turtles |
Ninja Turtles 2 |
Ninja Turtles 2 |
Nothing But Trouble |
O Brother Where Art Thou |
O Brother Where Art Thou |
O Brother Where Art Thou |
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest |
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest |
Oscar |
Overboard |
Overboard |
Pacific Rim |
Pacific Rim |
Pan's Labyrinth |
Pan's Labyrinth |
parenthood |
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 |
Planet of the Apes (OG) |
Powder |
Predator |
Predator |
Public Enemies |
Pulp Fiction |
Raising Arizona |
Rambo |
Repo the Genetic Opera |
Roadhouse |
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves |
Robocop |
Robocop |
Rocketeer |
Rocky |
Rocky |
Rocky 2 |
Rocky 3 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky Horror Picture Show |
Roxanne |
Rudy |
Rudy |
Rudy |
Runaway Bride |
Runaway Bride |
Saving Mr. Banks |
Scary Movie 2 |
Scott Pilgrim |
Scott Pilgrim |
Secondhand Lions |
Serenity |
Shaun of the Dead |
Shaun of the Dead |
Silence of the Lambs |
Simple Simon |
Sin City |
SLC Punk |
Snatch |
Some Like it Hot |
Soylant Green |
Spider-Man 2 |
Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars Return of the Jedi |
Star Wars Return of the Jedi |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Stardust |
Stardust |
Stardust |
stardust |
stardust |
Sweeney Todd |
Tangled |
Tangled |
Terminator |
Terminator 2 |
Terminator 2 |
that thing you do |
that thing you do |
The Abyss |
The Adventures of Baron Von Munchhausen |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Bee Movie |
The Big Lebowski |
The Big Lebowski |
The Big Lebowski |
The Bourne Identity |
The Bourne Identity |
The breakfast club |
The breakfast club |
The breakfast club |
The Dark Crystal |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight Rises |
The Departed |
The Departed |
The Grinch |
The Guyver |
The Hobbit |
The hobbit: The desolation of smaug |
The Incredibles |
The Incredibles |
The Incredibles |
The Italian Job |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Unicorn |
The Lion King |
The Lion King |
The Lion King |
the lion king |
The Little Mermaid |
The Little Mermaid |
The Little Mermaid |
The Lorax |
The Lost Boys |
the man in the iron mask |
the man in the iron mask |
The Matrix |
The Matrix |
The Mummy |
The Mummy |
The Muppet Movie |
The Muppet Movie |
The Naked Gun |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Omega Man |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Proposal |
The Raid: Redemption |
The Raid: Redemption |
The Road warrior |
The Rock |
The Royal Tenenbaums |
The Shawshank Redemption |
The Shawshank Redemption |
The Shooter |
The Sixth Sense |
The Watchmen |
The Winter Soldier |
The Witches |
The Wizard of OZ |
The Wizard of OZ |
The Wraith |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Musketeers |
Tombstone |
Tombstone |
Total Recall (original) |
Toy Story 3 |
Toy Story 3 |
Toy Story 3 |
Transformers 1 |
Transformers 1 |
Transformers 2 |
Transformers 3 |
Tron |
tron |
Tropic Thunder |
Tropic Thunder |
Troy |
uncle buck |
Up |
Up |
V For Vendetta |
Waiting |
Walk the Line |
War Games |
Warrior |
Wayne's World |
What's Eating gilbert Grape |
Willow |
Willow |
Wimbeldon |
World War Z |
World War Z |
X-Men |
X-Men |
Young Frankenstein |
Young Frankenstein |
Young Frankenstein |
Young Guns |
You've got mail |
Zoolander |
Geek of the Week Nathan Fillion
Welcome to my series of blog posts where we spotlight famous or influential people who also have a taste for all things geek. This week we spotlight famed Canadian actor Nathan Fillion. Fillion gained recognition with his supporting role in Two Guys a Girl and a Pizza Place and his role in Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan. He is also known for his role in Joss Whedon's ill fated sci-fi series Firefly. Most recently Fillion has gained international fame with his role as Captain Hammer in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog and as Richard Castle in the popular television drama Castle. But Captain Hammer and Captain Malcolm Reynolds weren't Fillion's only foray into sci-fi, he played Vigilante in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon and Fillion has lent his voice to Green Lantern in multiple DC animated films. Nathan has never shied away from his love for things geek, on Aisha Tyler's Podcast Girl on Guy Fillion talked at great lengths for his love of gaming.

The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles teaser trailer
I was around five years old or so when I was introduced to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and they changed my life, everything I love about sci-fi and comic books, my love for movies and drawing can in one way or another be traced back to those four green far out pizza dudes. I have wanted to see the turtles re-done in live action, given the incredible movie technology we have now, and lets face it the 90's ones leave a lot to be desired. Nickelodeon movies just released today the first teaser trailer for Michael Bay's Ninja Turtles movie and I gotta say it's not horrible. I was really worried when I heard that Michael Bay was taking the reigns of characters near and dear to me but now that I have seen the trailer a few times (and you can watch it right below this post) I think I might be able to get behind it. Granted these do not seem to be the wise cracking pizza obsessed turtles of my youth, but if they were that would have been boring because we have seen that already. This franchise needed a reboot and it seems like Michael Bay has crafted a half decent one, with their massive size and proclivity to hang out on roof tops in the shadows, Bay has turned them into superheroes which I am fine with. So I am going to wait until I see the full movie to really give an opinion but at least now I can wait with a little less fear.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Updated list. March Movie Madness In April.
300 |
10 Things I hate About You |
127 Hours |
3:10 to Yuma |
A Goofy Movie |
A Knight's Tale |
A Knight's Tale |
A Knight's Tale |
A Very Long Engagement |
Abbot and Costello Meet FrankenStien |
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective |
Across the Univers |
Adam's Apple |
Airplane |
Airplane |
Airplane |
Aladdin |
Aliens |
Aliens |
Ameile |
American Beauty |
American Beauty |
Armegeddon |
Army if Darkness |
Avatar |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future |
Back to the Future 3 |
Balls of Fury |
Batman (89) |
Batman (89) |
Batman Under the Red Hood |
Beetlejuice |
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey |
Billy Madison |
Billy Madison |
Billy Madison |
Bio Dome |
Blade |
Blade |
Blade Runner |
Blade Runner |
Bloodsport |
Blues Brothers |
Bogus |
Book of Eli |
Boondock Saints |
Boondock Saints |
Brave |
Brave |
Braveheart |
Captain Phillips |
Casablanca |
Casino |
Catching Fire |
Christmas Vacation |
Christmas Vacation |
Citizen Kane |
City Slickers |
Cloud Atlas |
Cloud Atlas |
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs |
Coneheads |
Crash |
Crash |
Dan In Real Life |
Delicatessen |
Devil's Carnival |
Dick Tracy |
Die Hard |
Die Hard With A Vengeance |
Dirty Dancing |
Dredd |
Drive |
Drop Dead Fred |
Edward Scissor Hands |
Elf |
Emporor's New Groove |
Emporor's New Groove |
Emporor's New Groove |
Enchanted |
Enemy At the Gates |
Epic |
Excalibur |
Face Off |
Ferris Beuller's Day Off |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Fight Club |
Footloose |
Footloose |
Forrest Gump |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Frozen |
Galaxy Quest |
Ghost and the Darkness |
Ghostbusters |
Ghostbusters |
Ghostbusters 2 |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gladiator |
Gone In 60 Seconds |
Goodfellas |
Goonies |
Groundhog Day |
Hackers |
Hannibal |
Happy Gilmore |
Harry Potter 1 |
Harry Potter 2 |
Harry Potter 3 |
Harry Potter 3 |
Harry Potter 4 |
Harry Potter 5 |
Harry Potter 5 |
Harry Potter 6 |
Harry Potter 7 |
Harry Potter 8 |
Heat |
Hellboy 2; The Golden Army |
Her |
Hercules |
High Fidelity |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy |
Hope Floats |
Hot Rod |
Hot Shots |
I am Legend |
I am Legend |
Inception |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Indiana Jones The Last Crusade |
Interview With A Vampire |
Interview With A Vampire |
Interview With A Vampire |
Iron Man |
Iron Man |
Iron Man |
It |
It's Kind of a Funny Story |
Jaws |
Judge Dredd (original) |
Jurassic Park |
Just Friends |
Kill Bill |
kingpin |
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang |
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang |
Kung Fu Hustle |
Labyrinth |
Labyrinth |
Labyrinth |
Larry Crowne |
Last of the Mohicans |
Last of the Mohicans |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Lawrence of Arabia |
Legends of the Fall |
Lethal Weapon |
Little Miss Sunshine |
Little Rascals |
Logan's Run |
Lord of the rings: Fellowship of the ring |
lord of the rings: return of the king |
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers |
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers |
Mac and Me |
Man of Steel |
Man of Steel |
Man of Steel |
Mars Attacks |
Mask |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Maverick |
Meet Dave |
Miracle |
Mirrormask |
Mission Impossible |
Mission Impossible |
Mom and Dad Save the World |
Monty Python and The Holy Grail |
Monty Python and The Holy Grail |
Moonstruck |
Mr. and Mrs. Smith |
National Lampoon's Loaded Weapom |
National Treasure |
National Treasure |
Needful Things |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Nightmare Before Christmas |
Ninja Turtles |
Ninja Turtles 2 |
Nothing But Trouble |
O Brother Where Art Thou |
O Brother Where Art Thou |
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest |
Oscar |
Overboard |
Overboard |
Pacific Rim |
Pacific Rim |
Pan's Labyrinth |
Pan's Labyrinth |
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 |
Planet of the Apes (OG) |
Powder |
Predator |
Predator |
Public Enemies |
Pulp Fiction |
Raising Arizona |
Rambo |
Repo the Genetic Opera |
Roadhouse |
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves |
Robocop |
Robocop |
Rocketeer |
Rocky |
Rocky |
Rocky 2 |
Rocky 3 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky 4 |
Rocky Horror Picture Show |
Roxanne |
Rudy |
Rudy |
Rudy |
Runaway Bride |
Runaway Bride |
Saving Mr. Banks |
Scary Movie 2 |
Scott Pilgrim |
Scott Pilgrim |
Secondhand Lions |
Serenity |
Shaun of the Dead |
Shaun of the Dead |
Silence of the Lambs |
Simple Simon |
Sin City |
SLC Punk |
Snatch |
Some Like it Hot |
Soylant Green |
Spider-Man 2 |
Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars A new Hope |
Star Wars Return of the Jedi |
Star Wars Return of the Jedi |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back |
Stardust |
Stardust |
Stardust |
Sweeney Todd |
Tangled |
Terminator |
Terminator 2 |
Terminator 2 |
The Abyss |
The Adventures of Baron Von Munchhausen |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Avengers |
The Bee Movie |
The Big Lebowski |
The Big Lebowski |
The Big Lebowski |
The Bourne Identity |
The breakfast club |
The breakfast club |
The breakfast club |
The Dark Crystal |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight |
The Dark Knight Rises |
The Departed |
The Departed |
The Grinch |
The Guyver |
The Hobbit |
The hobbit: The desolation of smaug |
The Incredibles |
The Incredibles |
The Italian Job |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Samurai |
The Last Unicorn |
The Lion King |
The Lion King |
The Lion King |
the lion king |
The Little Mermaid |
The Little Mermaid |
The Little Mermaid |
The Lorax |
The Lost Boys |
The Matrix |
The Matrix |
The Mummy |
The Mummy |
The Muppet Movie |
The Muppet Movie |
The Naked Gun |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Notebook |
The Omega Man |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Princess Bride |
The Proposal |
The Raid: Redemption |
The Raid: Redemption |
The Road warrior |
The Rock |
The Royal Tenenbaums |
The Shawshank Redemption |
The Shooter |
The Sixth Sense |
The Watchmen |
The Winter Soldier |
The Witches |
The Wizard of OZ |
The Wraith |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Amigos |
Three Musketeers |
Tombstone |
Total Recall (original) |
Toy Story 3 |
Toy Story 3 |
Toy Story 3 |
Transformers 1 |
Transformers 1 |
Transformers 2 |
Transformers 3 |
Tron |
Tropic Thunder |
Tropic Thunder |
Troy |
uncle buck |
Up |
Up |
V For Vendetta |
Waiting |
Walk the Line |
War Games |
Warrior |
Wayne's World |
What's Eating gilbert Grape |
Willow |
Willow |
Wimbeldon |
World War Z |
World War Z |
X-Men |
Young Frankenstein |
Young Frankenstein |
Young Guns |
Zoolander |
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